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Disputing Digital Sovereignty: Enlightenment, Critique, or Ideology?

Media Culture Studies: Prof. Dr. Stephan Packard
Media Law: Prof. Dr. Karl-Nikolaus Peifer
Media Economics: Prof. Dr. Johannes Münster.
Media Studies, Grimme Research College: Dr. Harald Gapski.

How can individual and collective freedom be preserved and shaped in the post-digital society? Are we to ensure individual sovereignty by transparently informing and empowering each individual subject, or strengthen states' independence from global corporations by building up autonomous technologies, cloud and search engine architectures? Is autonomy about individual freedom or state autarky?

This project pulls together the fragmented state of research across several disciplines around the central conceptual work created in the glossary on "Digital Sovereignty", a third-mission educational resource. We will assemble current approaches to the pertinent controversies from various fields in an interdisciplinary conference and subsequent publication in order to find answers to such questions, and more importantly to explicate positions on key concepts of enlightenment in a post-digital society.

Students of Media Cultural Studies are cordially invited to participate in the project through the course "Digital Sovereignty and its Mediation" (SoSe 2023, BA and MA) with Vesna Schierbaum and Stephan Packard.
